Blog Post

Disabling the Mac OSX Dashboard

🗓 August 30, 2011 :: 🕑 1 min read :: 👏 0 💬 0

I never liked the idea of widgets in Windows and I don’t intend to start liking them when I’m using OSX. In OSX widgets are kept separate from the desktop and only appear when you press fn+f12, to me this defeats the purpose of having widgets in the first place.

So I hear you ask, why not disable it? That’s exact what I did and here is how. To disable the dashboard, open up your terminal and type:

defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES

Then type the command below to push the change into effect.

killall Dock

To get back the dashboard just change YES to NO.

defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean NO
Ben Shi

I never liked the idea of widgets in Windows and I don’t intend to start liking them when I’m using OSX. In OSX widgets are kept separate…

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